
Weekly Relay Recap #33 ️

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POKT Network
Nov 21, 2023
Weekly Relay Recap #33 ️

Over the last week between 07/15 to 07/21, the Pocket Network protocol has successfully relayed over 47.9M application requests and settled at 4,153 nodes.

Weekly Relay Recap

06/24 to 06/30: 22,457,89207/01 to 07/07: 19,659,68507/08 to 07/14: 35,810,27507/15 to 07/21: 47,913,884For the week of 07/15 to 07/21, the average successful relays per day were ~6.84M. The highest number of daily relays was on July 21st, with over 12.02M relays.

Pocket Network Stats 07/15 to 07/21

This past week, 47.9M successful relays were processed. Nodes minted  ~479K POKT during this timeframe, with ~426.43k POKT going to the service nodes, ~47.9k POKT going to the Pocket DAO, and ~4.79k POKT going to block producers.Total Successful Relays from 06/24 to 07/21:  125,841,736AVG Successful Relays Per Day  06/24 to 07/21: 4,494,347AVG Successful Relays Per Week 06/24 to 07/21:  31,460,434Over the last four weeks, applications using the Pocket Gateway drove a total of 125.8M successful requests 📡In this timeframe, nodes have minted a bit over ~1.25M POKT, with 89% going to the service nodes (~1.11M POKT), 10% going to the Pocket DAO ( ~125.8K POKT), and 1% going to the block producers (~1.25K POKT).Total Staked Nodes4,153 (-40)

Analysis by Marco 👋 | @TMod_Marco

Looking at this week’s statistics, things are growing rapidly and look very promising! This week at Pocket Network, close to 50M relays were processed, with the last couple of days seeing a massive increase.This increase happened at the end of the week. However, at the time of writing (July 23rd), the number of daily relays have exceeded 7.5M throughout the past four days. At these numbers, each node earns about 18-24 POKT a day, which is double the rewards compared to just a couple of days ago.

With Pocket Network now supporting multiple blockchains, I would like to keep track of the chain relays per blockchain. Currently, C0D3R only supports 24H and 72H view. Once we can see the weekly view, we’ll have better data to keep track of. But for now, we’ll use this!Last week, it was ETH that was shining in the leaderboard. This past 24 hours, it’s clear Fuse is the leading blockchain in terms of relays. Followed by ETH. All other blockchains are showing similar numbers, and I look forward to seeing us grow across all (major) blockchains.The number of total active validator nodes on the network is down slightly, with slightly less jailed validator nodes as well. This isn’t worrisome though, the total number of nodes on the network and total staked POKT on nodes balance themselves out continuously, which reflects a healthy ecosystem.


Polygon Mainnet to be added to the node whitelistIt is planned to add the Polygon Mainnet to our whitelist in about one week from now (July 28th, 2021).Node runners that wish to support Polygon can prepare for this by:

  • Deploying a Polygon Node
  • Getting the node fully synced with the network
  • Simulate relays to ensure your node works as intended

Note: Do not add 0009 (Polygon Mainnet) to your pocket node stake, unless you’re sure the node works as intended. As, this would result into the node getting slashed.For more information or support, join us on Discord if you haven’t already.


EthCCThe Pocket Team made it to France and has been enjoying the EthCC event to the fullest!EthCC is a great event for networking and meeting like-minded individuals.

Tellor squad hangin’ with @o_rourke from @POKTnetwork . Nice shirt @heavychain4 ! #EthCC

— Tellor (@WeAreTellor) July 20, 2021

On top of that, the future of Web3 Infastructure was presented by our own Michael, Valeria, and Adam. This was streamed live and we have a recap available for you here: EventsInterested in staying up-to-date on Pocket Network? We have 3 more community events coming up this month which you can participate in:

  1. Node Runner Office Hour (Wednesday, July 28th). For all your nodes advice and information, RSVP on Discord.
  2. Pocket Arcade Office Hour (Thursday, July 29th). Chat about the Pocket Arcade, quests, ask questions or/and provide feedback. RSVP on Discord.
  3. Community All-hands (July 30th). Join us for the monthly all-hands community call in which we discuss a whole range of topics! RSVP or provide input on Discord.

What can you do to drive relays and add nodes to the network?

App Side of the MarketplaceIf you care about privacy and decentralization, replace the default network provider in your MetaMask wallet with actual decentralized node infrastructure by adding a Pocket-powered Ethereum mainnet endpoint through the custom rpc settings!Try out any of these other apps listed in the Conscious Dappitalism page within our new docs . You can also earn a skill-role in our Discord community server for dogfooding any of those applications by completing a quest within the POKT arcade.If your application or service is interested in becoming a launch partner for the wPOKT farming program, register here!Node Side of the MarketplaceDon’t know how to run a node? Check out the Node Runner docs above to learn how.If you run into any issues,  a community of node runners (and our support team) would be happy to help. If you’d prefer to not run a node yourself, check out the forum for a list of node providers offering their services to people interested in participating in the ecosystem.

How to purchase POKT to stake?

When you are ready to take the step forward in supporting decentralized node infrastructure and earning Pocket’s native cryptocurrency for serving apps then visit any of these community-established OTCs:SubZero OTCThunderhead OTCThey are the best way to buy or sell POKT; and it helps nodes cover the cost of their infrastructure. Join either private telegram channels (requires telegram) and message the admin to get started. Note that there are fees associated with the OTCs to help cover their costs and that neither Pocket Network, Inc., the Pocket DAO, nor the Pocket Foundation receives any of these fees nor any proceeds from the sale of POKT through the OTCs.

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