
How Grove's Portal Helps Wallets Scale

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POKT Network
Jan 23, 2024
How Grove's Portal Helps Wallets Scale

The following blog was provided by our original Gateway, Grove.

Wallets are the perfect example of the need for reliable infrastructure. We’ve been breaking down how Portal’s RPC service is the ideal match for crypto wallet development, delivering benefits that can’t be matched by other providers.

Here, we’ll take a look at how Portal makes scaling easy for wallets. Make sure to check out some of our other wallet-focused insights as well, including how Portal is delivering maximum uptime and reliability and bringing the best multichain support to wallet devs.

In the dynamic landscape of crypto wallet development, the ability to scale efficiently is essential for delivering an optimal user experience. Portal's decentralized RPC service, built on Pocket Network, is engineered to scale elastically with your wallet. Portal effortlessly manages traffic surges during high-profile token launches and airdrops, network upgrades, big DeFi events, and more.

With its optimized load balancing approach covering many corners of the world, Portal ensures high performance, consistently. Portal lets your wallet thrive amidst the ever-changing web3 trends and interests of users.

Say goodbye to scalability bottlenecks when building your wallet, and hello to smooth user experience no matter how fast product adoption happens.

Achieving Scalable Performance with Portal’s Decentralized Infrastructure

Portal's scaling capabilities adapt to your wallet's growing traffic demands, ensuring consistent performance even during traffic spikes. Portal leverages Pocket Network’s decentralized protocol, which handles 1 billion + data relays per day. The protocol is powered by tens of thousands of nodes that are spread across 20+ countries. This decentralized approach eliminates reliance on a single point of failure, distributing the load in a way that optimizes for scalability, high-performance, and enhanced reliability, wherever the RPC request comes from.

Set your wallet up in the Portal

Prioritizing high-quality nodes

Portal's node selection logic ensures that the best-performing nodes get servicing priority. This means you can maintain high-quality RPC service for your wallet even as transaction activity grows. Quality of Service (QoS) checks enhance scalability by ensuring that only the healthiest nodes are most likely to service your wallet’s data relays as your dApp scales up. This approach addresses a core issue of wallet infrastructure: RPC unpredictability (i.e. underperforming nodes, slow nodes, and nodes failing under higher load).

Global accessibility and optimized performance

Portal and POKT Network's decentralized RPC infrastructure covers more geographical regions than almost any other RPC provider. This ensures that wallet users worldwide experience responsive and low-latency service. This global accessibility allows your wallet to scale more efficiently as it caters to a broader audience and handles increased traffic from different regions.

Simplified infrastructure management for scalability

Portal's decentralized infrastructure minimizes the need for time-consuming, manual infrastructure management and excessive DevOps resources. You can focus on innovating and building more value into your wallet. With Portal’s infrastructure taking care of load balancing and performance optimization, and bringing you the redundancy you need, you can ensure your wallet can scale seamlessly while keeping your focus on improving your product.

See how Portal is tackling the "RPC Trilemma"

Cost-effective scaling

Wallet devs benefit from not only performance scalability, but also price scalability with Portal's Pay As You Go plans. Too often, limited resources are wasted with poor cost efficiencies, especially when it comes to RPC access and other web3 infrastructure. As a wallet’s usage scales, the engineers running it need to think about cost scalability in tandem with performance scalability. With Portal, those engineers can stop paying for throughput they don't need. Instead, they can start using a cost-effective solution that’s tailored to their wallet's specific traffic demands.

As your wallet traffic evolves, the Pay As You Go plan scales with you. You only pay for the resources you actually use. This flexible pricing model allows your service plan to scale seamlessly with your traffic. It's a more affordable and predictably-priced solution for wallet developers of all sizes.

Set up a Pay As You Go plan in minutes

Future-proof your wallet with Portal's scalable infrastructure

With Portal's scalable infrastructure, built on Pocket Network's decentralized protocol, your wallet can handle the ever-growing demands of web3 users. By prioritizing performance and scalability, you can offer your users a seamless experience, free from bottlenecks and delays. It’s why wallets like Omni are choosing Portal as their go-to RPC solution.

Portal makes crypto wallet development more scalable for projects like Omni Wallet

Starting an account in the Portal is free and takes just a few minutes. Once you’re in, you can create up to two applications (unlimited for enterprise plans), and as many RPC endpoints as you need across any supported chains.

Bring decentralized infrastructure to your wallet now

Portal’s free tier is great for new projects, startups, and businesses looking to test new chains or experiment with different use cases. Need more firepower? The PAYG plan scales easily with your wallet’s traffic.

Looking for a custom-tailored, high-volume solution? Drop us a line and we’ll help you find the perfect RPC solution for your crypto wallet development journey.

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