
📡 Pocket Nodes Service a 2x Surge in Polygon Relays

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Nov 15, 2023
📡 Pocket Nodes Service a 2x Surge in Polygon Relays

Relay Recap #109 features 2x growth from Polygon RPC traffic, a 6x surge in relays from Osmosis, and Polygon zkEVM making an appearance in the Top 10 for earnings per node. This recap covers stats from March 30 - April 5.

Happy Friday! We're back with another Relay Recap.

It was a strong week for relays across the board, as we saw nearly half of Pocket's supported chains post more than 10% gains in weekly relays. Relays stayed very consistent throughout the period, staying in a tight range from 1.23 billion to 1.31 billion per day.

One of the many highlights of this week was Polygon. After seeing a dip in relays in the previous recap, Polygon came back with a more than 100% increase this time around. Node runners serviced 1.7 billion relays for Polygon this week, as the chain nearly doubled its share of total relays (from 10% to 19%) in the process.

All in all, this bumped Polygon back up the rankings for total relays, from #4 last week to #2 at the end of this period. On top of the increase in Mainnet relays, Polygon Archival also had a huge week, growing relays by nearly 250%, and newly allowlisted Polygon zkEVM made an appearance in the Top 10 rankings for earnings per node.

Mint Your Own RPC Endpoint for Polygon

Polygon and Polygon Archival were far from the only big gainers though, as Osmosis clocked in with more than 500% growth in weekly relays. After mostly hovering around 40,000 to 50,000 daily relays last week, Osmosis jumped all the way up above 200,000 relays on March 30th, and then built on that over the next several days. The chain eventually cleared 300,000 daily relays on April 4th, before ending this period just below that mark the next day.

The last chain we'll note before getting into the Chain Highlights is Swimmer, as it's been continuing to show strong growth. This week, relays from the chain were up another 68%, although they took quite the bumpy ride to get there.

Swimmer RPC traffic has an up and down week on Pocket Network.

As you can see above, Swimmer started a bit of a rollercoaster on March 29th, with relays bouncing between daily highs of 10M+, and lows around 4 to 5M. Overall, though, the increase in relays of late has moved Swimmer up the earnings per node rankings, and this week it claimed a spot in the Top 10 for average daily POKT per node.

Now, to some more stats for the total network, before moving on to the Chain Highlights for the rest of our chains that saw significant relay growth this week.

Weekly relays grow 12% on Pocket Network.

Throughout this period, the network serviced an average of 1.278 billion daily relays. The daily high for this time period was recorded at 1.31 billion on April 4th.

Overall, 8.9 billion relays were serviced during the week. This was a 12% increase from the 8 billion relays the prior week.

Weekly relays go from 8 to 8.9 billion on Pocket Network, a 12% increase.

Chain Highlights

Below are some of the chains with the top week-over-week relay growth.

The green percentages show total weekly relay growth, while the charts show the two-week trend in relays per node. Images courtesy of POKTscan!

Osmosis ↗️ 535%

Osmosis RPC traffic up 535% on Pocket Network.

🦾 283 nodes servicing

📡 929 average daily relays per node

Polygon Archival ↗️ 246%

Polygon Archival RPC traffic up 246% on Pocket Network.

🦾 252 nodes servicing

📡 5,207 average daily relays per node

Celo Mainnet ↗️ 139%

Celo RPC traffic up 139% on Pocket Network.

🦾 128 nodes servicing

📡 1,532 average daily relays per node

Polygon Mainnet ↗️ 112%

Polygon RPC traffic up 112% on Pocket Network.

🦾 20,871 nodes servicing

📡 11,815 average daily relays per node

Mint Your Own RPC Endpoint for Polygon

Swimmer ↗️ 68%

Swimmer RPC traffic up 68% on Pocket Network.

🦾 3,083 nodes servicing

📡 2,080 average daily relays per node

Ethereum Rinkeby ↗️ 46%

Ethereum Rinkeby RPC traffic up 46% on Pocket Network.

🦾 215 nodes servicing

📡 161 average daily relays per node

Avalanche ↗️ 43%

Avalanche RPC traffic up 43% on Pocket Network.

🦾 20,460 nodes servicing

📡 793 average daily relays per node

Mint Your Own RPC Endpoint for Avalanche

Moonbeam ↗️ 42%

Moonbeam RPC traffic up 42% on Pocket Network.

🦾 14,007 nodes servicing

📡 713 average daily relays per node

Ethereum Ropsten ↗️ 37%

Ethereum Ropsten RPC traffic up 37% on Pocket Network.

🦾 131 nodes servicing

📡 414 average daily relays per node

Evmos ↗️ 33%

Evmos RPC traffic up 33% on Pocket Network.

🦾 14,471 nodes servicing

📡 542 average daily relays per node

NEAR ↗️ 31%

NEAR RPC traffic up 31% on Pocket Network.

🦾 181 nodes servicing

📡 1,655 average daily relays per node

Ethereum Archival ↗️ 27%

Ethereum Archival RPC traffic up 27% on Pocket Network.

🦾 11,472 nodes servicing

📡 252 average daily relays per node

BSC ↗️ 15%

BSC RPC traffic up 15% on Pocket Network.

🦾 20,528 nodes servicing

📡 4,408 average daily relays per node

FUSE Mainnet ↗️ 14%

FUSE RPC traffic up 14% on Pocket Network.

🦾 20,531 nodes servicing

📡 1,293 average daily relays per node

FUSE Archival ↗️ 14%

FUSE Archival RPC traffic up 14% on Pocket Network.

🦾 133 nodes servicing

📡 936 average daily relays per node

Moonriver ↗️ 14%

Moonriver RPC traffic up 14% on Pocket Network.

🦾 4,174 nodes servicing

📡 979 average daily relays per node

Polygon Mumbai ↗️ 12%

Polygon Mumbai RPC traffic up 12% on Pocket Network.

🦾 995 nodes servicing

📡 4,349 average daily relays per node

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Growth in Polygon RPC traffic moves the chain from a 10% share of total relays to a 19% share.

Node Earnings

From March 30th through April 5th, we saw Polygon move back into the #2 spot for total POKT earnings, after a brief stint falling out of the Top 3 last week. Ethereum remained strong in the #1 spot with essentially flat relays compared to last week. Meanwhile, as Polygon moved up, Gnosis - xDai was the chain that fell out of the Top 3.

Growth in Polygon RPC traffic moves the chain into the #2 rank for total POKT earnings.

In terms of average daily POKT per node, we saw the following chains make the Top 15 list.

Growth in Polygon RPC traffic moves the chain into the #2 spot for average daily POKT per node.

The huge move from Oasys Archival was essentially due to one day of a massive traffic spike on April 3rd, as relays suddenly jumped to 6 million for the day.

Meanwhile, the triple-digit percentage growth from both Polygon Mainnet and Polygon Archival moved both chains into the Top 5, after Polygon RPC traffic had taken a dip the prior week.

Arbitrum One saw the biggest drop on the list, following the huge spike that we saw on the day of the ARB airdrop (combined with more node runners servicing the chain). However, the chain still posted several days around 5 million relays this week, which is around 5x what we were seeing from Arbitrum One around a month ago.

Also of note here was Polygon zkEVM's appearance in the Top 10. After being allowlisted at the end of March, relays have been slowly trending up, including a spike towards 2.4 million relays on April 4th. Around 250 node runners are currently servicing the chain, so we will see how supply and demand shakes out as more node runners potentially spin up the newly supported chain.

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Node Infrastructure

As of April 5th, Pocket Network’s decentralized infrastructure included 20,804 active nodes across more than 25 different countries, allowing the network to provide constant uptime and resiliency while supporting dozens of different chains.

This total node count was down about 2.3% from the previous week.

Wrap Up

  • Nearly half of Pocket's supported chains grow relays by 10% or more.
  • Polygon and Polygon Archival RPC traffic goes 2x and 3.5x, respectively.
  • Osmosis has a huge week, with more than 6x relay growth.
  • Polygon zkEVM debuts in the Top 10 for average daily POKT per node.

Thank you for reading!

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