
Klaytn Makes the Metaverse Real, with Pocket's Support

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Nov 19, 2023
Klaytn Makes the Metaverse Real, with Pocket's Support

Klaytn data relays are being steadily serviced by Pocket Network, as the chain is on its way to making the Metaverse a reality. Pocket has supported Klaytn for several months, boosting its efforts to reach new levels of decentralization, scalability, and cross-chain ability. Discover more about Klaytn and how Pocket is servicing its growth.

Klaytn: The Metaverse Network for All

Klaytn is a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)-based network, enabling the Metaverse revolution by bringing forward key elements for its adoption, from scalability to security, performance, and reliability.Klaytn has pivoted to the Metaverse arena, as this area is exploding in interest, from retail investors to governments, with one of the more attention-grabbing developments being the focus of Facebook and its rebranding to Meta.The Metaverse is growing so much in popularity that even countries and regional governments, from Dubai to Japan and China, are launching widespread campaigns to invest billions in its development, facilitate the creation of decentralized companies, and bring new types of jobs.Klaytn is set to capture some of that attention being driven to the Metaverse, by building a new version of its network targeted at the main use cases in this segment: entertainment and gaming.

What is Klaytn Building?

Klaytn’s new version revolves around five mantras:

  • Scalability
  • Performance
  • Support for the developer community
  • Metaverse-ready
  • EVM compatibility

Klaytn is building a chain that provides more use cases with maximum reliability and institutional-grade support, privacy, and security.On the performance side, Klaytn is enabling 4,000 transactions per second. Developers can also tap into more scalability by creating side chains and powering new use cases while maintaining low costs.Those features are essential to building the Metaverse, where scale, speed, and performance are needed to fulfill the vision of gaming, entertainment, and commerce in the decentralized world.Klaytn offers a full package for developers to start their Metaverse endeavors, further facilitating this by being EVM compatible.

From DEXes to Liquid Staking and Reserve Currencies, the Ecosystem is Blooming

Beyond Klaytn’s new focus on the Metaverse, its ecosystem also features many other tools and use cases. Some of the major applications in the Klaytn ecosystem are decentralized exchanges, liquid staking platforms, and lending solutions.According to DeFi Llama, the Klaytn network is currently at more than $335 million in Total Value Locked (TVL), despite the bear market (its TVL record sits above $1.3 billion).

Klaytn is Growing with Pocket’s Support

Pocket has been servicing Klaytn data relays  for several months, being one of the 40+ blockchains that we currently support for RPC requests.Recently, the number of serviced relays for the Klaytn network jumped towards 300,000 per day, as steady daily relays approaching a quarter of a million have been the norm for the chain.

Pocket is Supporting More Chains with The Updated Portal

Pocket is increasingly supporting new blockchains in its ecosystem, on the road to supporting hundreds of chains in the future.We also just launched a new and improved Pocket Portal, including a “Pay As You Go” (PAYG) tier, offering a clear scalability path for applications while keeping cost-efficiencies.If you’re an application developer on Klaytn and looking for RPC endpoints, you can sign-up for the Always Free tier, enabling 250,000 daily relays, or go for the PAYG plan, offering more RPC requests at an attractive cost while enjoying all the perks that Pocket offers (including $POKT rewards for paid service through the Portal!).Pocket is quite different from other providers in enabling maximum uptime, dozens of supported chains, optimized performance, and real decentralization with its globally distributed network of more than 25,000 service nodes.Are you ready to mint a Klaytn endpoint and get started with decentralized infrastructure? Check the new and improved Pocket Portal and start servicing your dApps today!

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