
Evmos, NEAR, and Moonbeam Grow Relays by 50%

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POKT Network
Nov 19, 2023
Evmos, NEAR, and Moonbeam Grow Relays by 50%

Happy weekend everyone! We’re back with another Relay Recap.Relays were mostly flat compared to last week, as the network maintained a daily average slightly above 1 billion. The high marks for daily relays came early in this timeframe, as there was a very slight downtrend throughout the rest of the week.We also saw some movement at the top during this period, as this week gave us a new chain in the #3 spot for total relays (previously held by BSC) - more on that in the Chain Highlights section below.Throughout this period, the network serviced an average of1.08 billion daily relays, with the daily high for this time period recorded at 1.18 billion on November 10th.

Overall, 7.57 billion relays were serviced during the week, representing a 1% decrease over the 7.67 billion relays the prior week.

Chain Highlights

Polygon Mumbai had another noteworthy week, after appearing in the Top 5 for average daily relays per node last week. This time around, the chain was able to move from the #4 spot on that list up to the #2 spot, thanks to a 112% increase in relays. After two weeks with daily relays mostly around 1 million, Polygon Mumbai spiked to more than 3.5 million relays on November 15th, and stayed above 2 million daily relays to close the period out.Evmos also built on its strong performance of late, with another 59% increase in relays this week. Evmos approached 20 million daily relays in the first four days of this period, before dipping below 15 million relays in the last three days.NEAR was another chain that was up more than 50% in relays this week, closing the timeframe with a 58% gain. This was due to a big three-day run-up to end the period. After spending most of the last two weeks below a quarter million daily relays, NEAR jumped up to nearly half a million daily relays in the last two days of this timeframe.Moonbeam didn’t quite clear the 50% mark, but was knocking on the door with a 47% gain in relays this week. The chain has been staying remarkably steady around 6.5 million daily relays since November 9th, after an extended stretch around 4 million daily relays last week.Harmony also saw a 25% increase in weekly relays, as the chain took a volatile path to post those gains. Harmony’s high this week was more than 60 million relays on November 11th (about 20 million more than last week’s high), but it dipped back down below 35 million relays each of the last two days of the period. All in all, Harmony’s performance this week was good enough to bump it from #7 to #6 in the rankings amongst all chains, swapping spots with Optimism.Finally, we also had Gnosis - xDai post a 20% gain in relays this week. The chain has had a steady trend upwards since November 9th, and finished this timeframe closing in on 150 million daily relays. This performance helped Gnosis - xDai grow its share of total relays from 10% to 13%, and also to take the #3 spot from BSC for now.For the developers out there, remember to visit the Pocket Portal to get set up with RPC endpoints for these and other chains that Pocket Network supports!

Node Earnings

From November 10th through November 16th, Polygon and Ethereum remained the only two chains to clear 1 million in POKT earnings. While we had BSC remain in the #3 spot (where it’s been most weeks recently), we’ve also added Gnosis - xDai to the list this time around, as it was right on the heels of BSC thanks to the 20% increase in Gnosis relays.

In terms of average daily relays per node, the top 5 chains at the end of this time frame were:

  • Polygon
  • Polygon Mumbai
  • Ethereum
  • Gnosis - xDai
  • BSC

Polygon Mumbai made a noteworthy appearance in the #4 spot on this list last week, and backed it up by moving up to #2 this time around. There were around 160 nodes servicing Polygon Mumbai during this timeframe, allowing each node to service more relays than some of the other chains with thousands of nodes competing for service. We’ll see how supply and demand ends up playing out on this relatively newly listed chain.Outside of Polygon Mumbai, we also had Gnosis - xDai overtake BSC this week, with BSC dropping down two spots and Gnosis - xDai rising one position. Meanwhile, Polygon has continued to stay strong in holding down the #1 spot over multiple weeks.

Node Infrastructure

As of November 16th, Pocket Network’s decentralized infrastructure included 26,508 active nodes across more than 20 different countries, allowing the network to provide constant uptime and resiliency while supporting dozens of different chains.This total node count was down about 400 since the last Relay Recap.Note: PIP-22 and PUP-19 brought big changes to the incentives that shape Pocket’s node infrastructure, by way of introducing stake-weighted servicer rewards and increased validator rewards. We’ll likely continue seeing a consolidation of nodes, as node runners and providers combine stakes to take advantage of these incentive structures that have been rolled out in v0.9.0.

Wrap Up

  • Polygon Mumbai more than doubles its relays, and moves up the Top 5 list for average daily relays per node.
  • Evmos, NEAR, and Moonbeam each post around 50% gains in weekly relays.
  • Harmony and Gnosis - xDai increase their relays by around 20%, and each move up a spot in the Top 10.

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

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