
Discover Triforce: The Community Initiative to Propel Pocket’s Growth

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Nov 20, 2023
Discover Triforce: The Community Initiative to Propel Pocket’s Growth

Pocket Network is excited to launch a new community initiative designed to enable more efficient onboarding and support for new blockchains, while working towards a more solid and extensive node infrastructure. With Triforce, the community and the Pocket team will work together to launch, maintain, and grow blockchain-specific traffic and boost relays in the network. You can learn more below about how community members can contribute and the benefits this initiative will bring.

Collaboration as the Key Ingredient for Web3

One of the key differentiators of the Web3 space is the typically robust collaboration between projects and their communities. Without the influence and participation of the community, the Web3 model wouldn’t be possible. From governance in the projects’ DAOs to acting as key growth engines of new solutions, the community is at the center of Web3.At Pocket Network, the growth experienced to date is a manifestation of the community’s involvement, from the surge in relays to the vibrant ecosystem around $POKT.

Meet Triforce: The New Age of Collaboration in the Pocket Ecosystem

Pocket wants to bring these collaborative efforts one step further.Meet Triforce, a major blockchain support and relay growth initiative between Pocket Network, the Pocket Network Foundation, the Pocket DAO, and community members.As part of Triforce, community members will be key actors in launching, maintaining, and growing traffic from specific blockchains in the Pocket ecosystem.The community can help across three key areas:

  • Marketing
  • Marketplace/Business Development
  • DevOps/Technical Support

In return, the Pocket DAO will provide budgets and reward community members for their efforts, using a model based on $POKT incentives.

Why is Pocket Launching Triforce?

Pocket Network is on a mission to decentralize and streamline the Web3 infrastructure space. For that to happen, it has set out an ambitious growth strategy to onboard new chains, service more relays, and expand its node network.Beyond the growth strategy, Pocket has always had a very close relationship with the community. From the Pocket DAO’s support of community initiatives, to the discussions taking place in important proposals, the community has always been a key part of the development and progress of the ecosystem.Triforce is a new and expanded step in promoting that immediate collaboration between the protocol and the community. Its primary goal: increase cooperation and communication between the Pocket Network team and community members, while growing the capabilities of Pocket in one of its most cardinal aspects - onboarding and supporting more blockchains for data relays.Selected community members will work in the three key areas (marketing, marketplace/business development, and DevOps/technical support) for each Triforce “shard,” in order to boost relay traffic, awareness, engagement, and more from that specific chain.In the future, Pocket envisions a robust network of distributed teams working with a high degree of autonomy to onboard new chains, promote use-cases within each chain, and grow the network.


Pocket’s Growth on the “Road to 100 Blockchains”

The three areas of involvement under Triforce are key for Pocket’s long-term growth trajectory, particularly for growing the number of serviced relays.Pocket’s relay growth trajectory has been exponential in recent months, going from over 9 billion relays in January to nearly 27 billion in May. Recently, Pocket reached the milestone of 1 billion relays serviced in 24 hours.The growth in relays is a direct consequence of the onboarding efforts of the Pocket ecosystem. Pocket now supports 50 blockchains, well on its way down the “road to 100 blockchains.” Triforce will play a huge role in boosting these efforts - make sure to stay tuned for more information as this initiative evolves.

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